How Homeowners are Working with Professionals Infographic

DIY vs. DIFM Trends: How Homeowners are Working with Professionals [INFOGRAPHIC]

Jan 18, 2024

With continued prioritization of home improvements among homeowners, the question of how often they opt to DIY the project versus hiring a professional contractor remains pertinent.

It’s important to understand how homeowners currently think about getting the work done now, compared to several years ago, and the drivers behind their hiring decisions when they do choose to hire a Pro.

Here’s what we know:

With con­tin­ued pri­or­i­ti­za­tion of home improve­ments among home­own­ers, the ques­tion of how often they opt to DIY the project ver­sus hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al con­trac­tor remains per­ti­nent. It’s impor­tant to under­stand how home­own­ers cur­rent­ly think about get­ting the work done, and the dri­vers behind their hir­ing deci­sions when they do choose to hire a Pro. Here’s what we know:

How Homeowners Are Working With Professionals on Home Improvement Projects

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Mem­bers have access to the full reports and raw data sets used to com­pile the infor­ma­tion in this info­graph­ic includ­ing the

  1. 2023 Home­own­er Month­ly Activ­i­ty Tracker
  2. 2023 Project Deci­sion Study
  3. 2023 Skilled Labor Short­age and Finan­cial Health of Con­trac­tors Study

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