Strategic Partners of HIRI

At HIRI, we believe in the pow­er of col­lab­o­ra­tion and the strength that diverse per­spec­tives bring to our mem­ber base. As we con­tin­ue our mis­sion to deliv­er insights on home improve­ment, the Strate­gic Part­ner Pro­gram is designed to fos­ter the spir­it of col­lab­o­ra­tion across orga­ni­za­tions to the ben­e­fit of HIRI members.

Thank You To HIRI’s Strategic Partners!

Brunner Logo

Brun­ner is a lead­ing inde­pen­dent inte­grat­ed mar­ket­ing agency that’s proud to have Good Peo­ple, Cre­at­ing Great Work for Our Clients. Brun­ner sim­pli­fies the com­plex­i­ties of mar­ket­ing by lever­ag­ing data insights to devel­op cre­ative solu­tions for clients’ mar­ket­ing chal­lenges. Brunner’s client port­fo­lio includes notable nation­al brands like The Home Depot Rental, Great South­ern Wood Pre­serv­ing, Mit­subishi North Amer­i­ca, Owens Corn­ing, and Rin­nai, among oth­ers. Brun­ner is head­quar­tered in Pitts­burgh, PA, with addi­tion­al offices in Atlanta, GA

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The Most Accu­rate, Action­able Retail Data Plat­form for the Home Improve­ment Chan­nel
Data­va­tions pro­vides the home improve­ment chan­nel with Assort­ment, Price, and Inven­to­ry Opti­miza­tion to gain a com­pet­i­tive advan­tage and boost revenue.

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Yipit Data

Yip­it­Da­ta is your sin­gle source of truth for cat­e­go­ry and cus­tomer home improve­ment insights. Trust­ed by brands & retail­ers like Har­bor Freight, James Hardie, and Wor­thing­ton, our pro­pri­etary approach com­bines 205MM annu­al home improve­ment data points with pre­dic­tive mod­el­ing to give you the most accu­rate and gran­u­lar read on your per­for­mance. With vis­i­bil­i­ty on 8k dis­tinct brands and key retail­ers, includ­ing Home Depot and Lowe’s, Yip­it­Da­ta helps you bet­ter antic­i­pate cus­tomer needs by under­stand­ing com­pet­i­tive pric­ing, leak­age, loy­al­ty, pur­chase fre­quen­cy, and more.

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This pro­gram is designed to bet­ter sup­port HIRI mem­bers in secur­ing even more insight­ful home improve­ment indus­try research at scale.

As we con­tin­ue to expand the insights avail­able to mem­bers, HIR­I’s Board of Direc­tors and Lead­er­ship team will con­tin­ue to thought­ful­ly part­ner with rel­e­vant orga­ni­za­tions that are deliv­er­ing insights in the build­ing prod­ucts and home improve­ment space.

Think You'd Make a Great Strategic Partner for HIRI?

Contact us to talk about becoming one of HIRI's Strategic Partners.