WEBINAR: Remodeling Through a Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of COVID’s Effect on Home Improvement

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Feb 11, 2021 @ 1:00 PM EST

The effects of COVID have been immense for the remod­el­ing indus­try. Between stay-at-home orders, home­school­ing, and remote work­ing, the home has been a new cen­ter of focus for many homeowners.

View HIR­I’s webi­nar fea­tur­ing Phil Har­ri­au of the Caney Group pre­sent­ing find­ings of the recent HIRI/​Caney Group qual­i­ta­tive study to under­stand the impact of COVID on how fam­i­lies use their homes, which projects they under­took and why, pur­chas­ing behav­ior due to lock-downs, and how it affects their future remod­el­ing plans.

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