Canada Home Improvement Market 2024 & Beyond

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The Cana­di­an home improve­ment mar­ket strug­gled in 2023 after record growth 2020 – 2022. What can we expect for the home improve­ment mar­ket in the next few years?

View our webi­nar to learn what is hap­pen­ing in the Cana­di­an econ­o­my and how that will impact the home improve­ment mar­ket. You will hear from Arlene Kish, S&P Glob­al Cana­di­an ana­lyst dis­cuss the econ­o­my and what they expect to see in 2023. Scott Hazel­ton, S&P Glob­al will also present the Cana­di­an Size of Home Improve­ment Prod­ucts Mar­ket and the recent­ly released five-year forecast.

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HIRI Canada Home Improvement Market 2024 Beyond
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