WEBINAR: US Demand for Home Services: Back to Normal?

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As pan­dem­ic-relat­ed shut­downs cease and sup­ply chains slow­ly recov­er, we see con­sumer demand for home ser­vices sur­pass pre-pan­dem­ic lev­els set in 2019. But the pan­dem­ic has per­ma­nent­ly altered how Amer­i­cans view their work and their homes, and 2021 was a year affect­ed by the resid­ual effects of stay-at-home orders, extreme weath­er events, and evolv­ing home­own­er demographics.

View HIR­I’s host­ed webi­nar pre­sent­ed by EverCommerce’s lead gen­er­a­tion team as they review the num­bers and reflect on a year of mixed progress.

Down­load the most recent Ever­Com­merce report.

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