HIRI Traqline Infographic Major Appliances

TraQline Industry Infographic - Major/Core Appliances for US and Canada

Apr 11, 2023

Major appliances are a significant part of many home improvement projects, especially in the kitchen. Learn where consumers are purchasing appliances, in-store versus online purchases and how much is being spent from TraQline's two most recent infographic on Major Appliances.

Floor­ing replace­ment is a big part of any remod­el­ing project through­out the home. Learn where con­sumers are pur­chas­ing appli­ances, in-store ver­sus online pur­chas­es and how much is being spent from TraQ­line’s two most recent info­graph­ic on Major Appliances.

Download the US PDF

US Infographic

TraQline Infographic-US Major Appliances
Download the Canada PDF

Canada Infographic

TraQline Infographic-Canada Major Appliances

Over the past 20 years, TraQ­line has become syn­ony­mous with qual­i­ty, trust­ed Home Improve­ment mar­ket share trends, con­sumer behav­ior, and com­pet­i­tive intel­li­gence in the US and Cana­da. TraQ­line draws upon 50+ years of track­ing sur­vey exper­tise to pro­vide our indus­tries with one of the world’s largest Home Improve­ment sur­veys. Col­lect­ed right from the con­sumers who buy prod­ucts, it pro­vides share and behav­ioral infor­ma­tion in an unbi­ased, wide-rang­ing, and con­sis­tent man­ner quar­ter after quar­ter. For more detail on TraQ­line or the info­graph­ic above, con­tact TraQ­line.

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