DIY Activity and Material Shortages Hero Image

2021 Update on DIY Activity and Material Availability [INFOGRAPHIC]

Nov 19, 2021

2022 is quickly approaching, and manufacturers, dealers, and suppliers are still dealing with pandemic-related issues, along with everyday setbacks impacting the industry.

However, there are small wins we can see for the later months of 2021. How do these ups and downs impact both DIYers and Pros?

2022 is quick­ly approach­ing, and man­u­fac­tur­ers, deal­ers, and sup­pli­ers are still deal­ing with pan­dem­ic-relat­ed issues, along with every­day set­backs impact­ing the industry. 

How­ev­er, there are small wins we can see for the lat­er months of 2021. How do these ups and downs impact both DIY­ers and Pros?

DIY Activity and Material Availability

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