Latest U S Size of the Home Improvement Market Forecast

Navigating the Home Improvement Market Given the October 2024 U.S. Size of Home Improvement Market Forecast

Oct 08, 2024

Whether your role lies in inform­ing tar­get­ed mar­ket­ing cam­paigns, dri­ving prod­uct devel­op­ment or ana­lyz­ing con­sumer insights, stay­ing ahead of mar­ket trends and eco­nom­ic shifts is cru­cial for mak­ing strate­gic deci­sions. To aid your efforts, ana­lysts for the Home Improve­ment Research Insti­tute recent­ly released its lat­est iter­a­tion of the U.S. Home Improve­ment Prod­ucts Mar­ket Fore­cast, offer­ing valu­able insights into the state of the indus­try and the broad­er eco­nom­ic landscape.

Here’s what we know:

The Current Home Improvement Products Market Outlook

The Home Improve­ment Research Insti­tute (HIRI) has just pub­lished its Octo­ber 2024 Size of Mar­ket report, fore­cast­ing a mixed out­look for the U.S. home improve­ment prod­ucts mar­ket through 2028. The total home improve­ment mar­ket is expect­ed to shrink by 0.1% in 2024, fol­low­ing a 1.6% decline in 2023, bring­ing total sales to $545 bil­lion. How­ev­er, a recov­ery is bright on the hori­zon, with mar­ket growth pro­ject­ed to rebound by 3.9% in 2025.

Home Improvement Market Outlook

Home improve­ment prod­uct sales among con­sumers are antic­i­pat­ed to dip by 0.2% in 2024 but rise by 4.2% in 2025.

Home improve­ment prod­uct sales among pros are fore­cast­ed to grow by a mod­est 0.1% in 2024, fol­lowed by a 3.2% rise in 2025.

Region­al­ly speak­ing, growth will vary across U.S. regions, with stronger per­for­mance expect­ed in the South and West. Growth will also vary by prod­uct category.

Remem­ber that growth in the home improve­ment mar­ket peaked in 2021, so 2024’s growth rates are noth­ing to be alarmed about and there are key mar­ket dri­vers enabling a resilient out­look for home improve­ment. The mar­ket is still active­ly per­form­ing quite well, espe­cial­ly com­pared to his­tor­i­cal fig­ures, and the fore­cast­ed growth rates for 2025 sig­nal positively. 

Real dis­pos­able income grew by near­ly 4% in 2023, has held steady in 2024, and is antic­i­pat­ed to grow annu­al­ly by over 2% in 2025 through 2028. This growth in dis­pos­able income is like­ly to dri­ve con­sumer spend­ing on future home improve­ment projects.

These growth rates sug­gest a promis­ing rebound after the short-term set­backs expe­ri­enced in 2023. Fur­ther­more, they point to an excit­ing poten­tial for home improve­ment pro­fes­sion­als tar­get­ing con­sumers or professionals.

Merchandise Lines on the Rise in 2025

The U.S. Home Improve­ment Prod­ucts Mar­ket Fore­cast iden­ti­fies pro­jec­tions for the top 10 fastest-grow­ing mer­chan­dise lines for both con­sumers and pro­fes­sion­als based on pro­ject­ed CAGR in 2025 – 2028. These insights can help you align your prod­uct offer­ings and inven­to­ry lev­els with cur­rent and future mar­ket demand.

Top 10 Fastest-Growing Merchandise Lines for Consumers

  • Soft-sur­face floor coverings

  • Hard-sur­face floor coverings

  • Lawn and gar­den equip­ment and supplies

  • Oth­er build­ing materials

  • Dimen­sion­al lum­ber and boards

  • Roof­ing mate­ri­als and supplies

  • Kitchen and bath cabinets

  • Doors and moldings

  • Paint and preservatives

  • Nurs­ery stock and soil treatments

Top 10 Fastest-Growing Merchandise Lines for Professionals

  • Major house­hold appliances

  • Hard­ware

  • Tools

  • Gyp­sum and spe­cial­ty boards

  • Dimen­sion­al lum­ber and boards

  • Ply­wood and relat­ed products

  • Insu­la­tion and weatherproofing

  • Plumb­ing supplies

  • Elec­tri­cal supplies

  • Oth­er build­ing materials

HIRI mem­bers receive access to the full U.S. Home Improve­ment Prod­ucts Mar­ket Fore­cast, which includes spe­cif­ic growth rate infor­ma­tion by prod­uct cat­e­go­ry, dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed by con­sumer ver­sus pro cus­tomers.

The study includes:

  • Prod­uct cat­e­go­ry – lev­el infor­ma­tion for both the con­sumer and pro­fes­sion­al mar­ket, includ­ing the dol­lar amount of sales for each prod­uct cat­e­go­ry and a cor­re­spond­ing year-over-year comparison

  • Geo­graph­ic detail for the nine cen­sus divi­sions, show­ing, for exam­ple, eco­nom­ic growth and slow­down rates as well as future fore­casts by region

  • Eco­nom­ic infor­ma­tion such as con­sumer spend­ing, sav­ing, invest­ment, mort­gage rates and employ­ment information

Redacted Size of Market Forecast by Home Improvement Product Category

For full access to the report and oth­er pro­pri­etary research, become a mem­ber of HIRI.

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