Q4 2019 Consumer Project Planning HERO

Home Improvement Project Planning Q42019

Jan 28, 2020

NEW: Q4 2019 Updates on Consumer Project Sentiment

Project plan­ning is defined as any work home­own­ers are plan­ning to do around the home in the three months fol­low­ing the quar­ter in which they are sur­veyed. There are 33 pos­si­ble home improve­ment project areas (32 spe­cif­ic projects and oth­er”) that are cov­ered in the study, rang­ing from room ren­o­va­tions to roof­ing, dri­ve­way or walk­way instal­la­tion or repair to plumb­ing or elec­tri­cal projects to lawn and gar­den upgrades.

Updat­ed in Q4 2019, the researchers found four key take­aways including:

  1. Project plan­ning inci­dence fin­ished 2019 on a strong note.
  2. The west­ern Unit­ed States surged after a dis­ap­point­ing close to 2018.
  3. Last-minute out­door projects are falling into two cat­e­gories: those fin­ished quick­ly before win­ter and those trad­ed in for inte­ri­or projects until spring.
  4. Con­sumer con­fi­dence wasn’t extra­or­di­nar­i­ly strong at the close of 2019, though not as unsteady as when tar­iffs were at the fore­front of news cycles ear­li­er in the year.

Ready to dig deep­er into con­sumer sen­ti­ments includ­ing spe­cif­ic project plan­ning and geo­graph­ic loca­tions? Down­load the com­plete Q4 2019 Project Sen­ti­ment Track­ing Study and sum­ma­ry report by join­ing HIRI.

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