HIRI Homeowner Cost Concerns HERO

2022 Home Improvement Project Cost Concerns for Homeowners [INFOGRAPHIC]

Jun 24, 2022

Did you know that many homeowners are doing their own home renovations projects rather than hiring a contractor due to increasing prices? The costs for materials and professionals are rising, and home renovation projects are changing as a result. Discover how homeowners are reacting to these market changes below:

Did you know that many home­own­ers are doing their own home ren­o­va­tions projects rather than hir­ing a con­trac­tor due to increas­ing prices? The costs for mate­ri­als and pro­fes­sion­als are ris­ing, and home ren­o­va­tion projects are chang­ing as a result. Dis­cov­er how home­own­ers are react­ing to these mar­ket changes below:

HIRI Cost Concerns for Homeowners Infographic

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