Tarrifs and Tax Cuts HERO

Contractor Insights on Tariffs

Jul 24, 2019

How will tariffs and the Tax Act affect your business? 

How will recent tar­iffs and the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act affect home improve­ment indus­try pros and their busi­ness­es? For the answers, the Home Improve­ment Research Insti­tute (HIRI) sur­veyed near­ly 300 pan­elists across var­i­ous con­struc­tion and remod­el­ing trades.

Study high­lights:

  • Pros slight­ly favor recent U.S. tar­iffs (3.40 on a 5.00 scale)
  • 10% are very con­cerned about tar­iffs’ effect on business
  • 73% say tar­iffs increased mate­r­i­al costs
  • 90% of pros whose tax spend decreased used sav­ings to expand their busi­ness or bot­tom line (instead of dis­trib­ut­ing increased rev­enue among employees)

Want to access all of the data? Join HIRI today. Mem­ber­ship includes full access to these results and many oth­ers as well as peer-to-peer net­work­ing and dis­count­ed indus­try events. JOIN NOW