Trends in DIY and Home Improvement

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How do home­own­ers use the prod­ucts they are pur­chas­ing is telling in how they are plan­ning to improve their home? This report ana­lyzes the dif­fer­ences in the actions, atti­tudes and demo­graph­ics of those that elect to do home improve­ment projects and prod­uct installs them­selves ver­sus those that hire a Pro. 

While some home­own­ers are DIY­ers, oth­ers pre­fer to hire a con­trac­tor for any major home improve­ment projects. How do the num­bers com­pare, and what fac­tors dri­ve home­own­ers’ deci­sions to tack­le the work or hire pro­fes­sion­al help? Luck­i­ly, HIRI has con­duct­ed var­i­ous sur­veys that can help answer these questions.

What we have found from our sur­veys, DIY remains the most com­mon project method, as 68% of respon­dents said they are com­plet­ing projects them­selves. Fur­ther­more, the deci­sion to take on a home improve­ment project over hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al often depends on the over­all cost of hir­ing a pro, with 65% of respon­dents report­ing they chose the DIY route in order to save mon­ey. On the oth­er hand, pro­fes­sion­als are most often uti­lized when projects require either a spe­cif­ic skill set or are too large or com­pli­cat­ed to do on their own.

Project-doers report­ed that when uti­liz­ing a pro, price tends to increase, regard­less of the lev­el of the pro’s lev­el of involve­ment. This is prob­a­bly due to the cost of labor, which was report­ed as being high­er than expect­ed even when split­ting the project with a pro­fes­sion­al. Home­own­ers also indi­cat­ed that split­ting a project or pur­chas­ing the mate­ri­als them­selves does not save much mon­ey.

The most com­mon form of pay­ment among project plan­ners is pay­ing out of pock­et or using sav­ings. Respon­dents report­ed high­er lev­els of pro involve­ment when extra mon­ey is avail­able, for exam­ple, from a tax refund or insur­ance proceeds.

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Trends in DIY and Pro Home Improvement2021
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