HI Project Planning Statsr2

2021 Project Planning Statistics in the Home Improvement Industry [INFOGRAPHIC]

Sep 24, 2021

Curious about project planning statistics of the home improvement industry? With more people spending time at home and the current housing market, project planning has seen some interesting trends. So, what are the most popular projects, and who is planning them in 2021?

Curi­ous about project plan­ning sta­tis­tics of the home improve­ment indus­try? With more peo­ple spend­ing time at home and the cur­rent hous­ing mar­ket, project plan­ning has seen some inter­est­ing trends. So, what are the most pop­u­lar projects, and who is plan­ning them in 2021? Down­load our info­graph­ic to find out.

Project Planning Statistics in Home Improvement Infographic

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